Bachelor programs

Portugal has eight biomedical laboratory science (BLS) degree programs as follows:

Egas Moniz Health School and Ribeiro Sanches Health School are private, but the conditions of admission are the same that are required for the public schools. All Portuguese BLS degree programs require documentation of adequate skills in Portuguese to qualify for admission.

(Click on the yellow markers for information)

Student exchange and international collaborations

The Portuguese BLS degree programs have mobility agreements for student exchange all over the world. You can find contact information on the web pages of the universities to have more information if you consider being a BLS exchange student in Portugal.

No skills in Portuguese are required to be an exchange student.

National requirements for the BLS education

Requirements for learning outcomes and content of the Portuguese biomedical laboratory scientist education are described in national guidelines.

Requirements for authorization to work as a biomedical laboratory scientist

To work as a biomedical laboratory scientist in Portuguese hospital laboratories it is mandatory to have a national authorization allocated by the Health Ministry and by Central Administration of Heath Services. The eight listed bachelor programs all qualify for an authorization to be a Biomedical Scientist in Portugal.

If you have an education from countries outside Portugal, you need to apply for a Portuguese authorization.

Documentation of adequate skills in Portuguese is also required to qualify for the authorization.

Relevant master- and PhD- programs in Portugal

Biomedical laboratory scientists are qualified for several master- and PhD- programs in Portugal.