
As EPBS knows, in Spain we are different in relation to education in Biomedical Science.
We have two different degrees unlike the rest of the European Union countries.
One is called Técnico Superior en Laboratorio Clínico y Biomédico (Higher Technician in Clinical and Biomedical Laboratory) and the other is called Técnico Superior en Anatomía Patológica y Citodiagnóstico (Higher Technician in Anatomical Pathology and Cytodiagnosis.).

Both are framed within the Higher Level Vocational Education, with two years of training, 2000 teaching hours and 120 ECTS, which can be studied after the post- 16 education.

We have a problem with our standard of education. This standard is not acceptable to EPBS and we have claiming a change many years ago.

Bachelor programs

In Spain there are 133 educational centers that provide training in Anatomical Pathology and 208 in Biomedical Science.

Students’ exchange and international collaborations

We are not aware of the existence of student exchange programs, due to the different training of students in Spain compared to students in the rest of Europe.

National requirements for the BLS education

You must have one of the following qualifications:

  • Baccalaureate degree, or a certificate accrediting that you have passed all
    the subjects of the Baccalaureate.
  • Technical qualification (Intermediate Vocational Training).
  • Higher Technician, Specialist Technician or equivalent for academic purposes.
  • Technician in Plastic Arts and Design (article 53.1 of Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on Education, modified by Organic Law 3/2020, of 29 December).
  • University degree or equivalent.

Having passed:

  • 3rd year of BUP (Bachillerato Unificado Polivalente): Accreditation by means of academic certification of having passed all the subjects leading to the award of the Baccalaureate diploma regulated by Law 14/1970, of 4 August, General Law on Education and Financing of Educational Reform, after completion of the third year of these courses. Order EFP/1210/2021, of 2 November2021 External link, opens in a new window New window establishing the equivalence, for the purposes of access to vocational training courses, of certain studies and qualifications prior to the current education system.
  • 2nd year of any type of experimental Baccalaureate.
  • COU; University Orientation Course.
  • Entrance exam to higher level training cycles (you must be at least 19 years old in the year in which the exam is taken, or 18 for those who hold a Technical qualification).
  • University entrance exam for those over 25 years of age (passing the university entrance exams for those over 40 and 45 years of age is not a valid requirement for access to vocational training).

Requirements for authorization to work as a biomedical laboratory scientist

To work as a biomedical laboratory scientist in Spain hospital laboratories it is mandatory to have the degree, (Higher Technician in Clinical and Biomedical Laboratory and/or Higher Technician in Anatomical Pathology and Cytodiagnosis), nothing else.

If you have an education from countries outside Spain, you need to apply for a Spanish homologation.

This homologation must be requested from the Spanish Ministry of Education to the Spanish degree of Higher Technician in Clinical and Biomedical Laboratory.

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Relevant Diploma and Master of Science programs in Spain

In Spain we do not have access to Masters or Doctorate degrees. We do not have a Bachelor Level or 1º cycle (180-240 ECTS) under the Bologna